Welcome to Umatilla County Sheriff's Office Concealed Handgun License Page. Please read carefully. Our procedures have changed.
Step 1: ONLINE - Fill out application, pay fees and schedule an appointment.
Step 2: IN PERSON - Appear at your appointment time to be fingerprinted and/or photographed.
Attention: CHL Fees increased on September 26th, 2021 per Senate Bill 554.
Concealed Handgun Licensing (CHL) is one of the Sheriff's mandates. Oregon Law pertaining to CHLs can be found beginning at Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 166.291. Applicants should make sure they meet the eligibility requirements and have had handgun safety training before filling out an application. If you have further questions, check out our FAQ section.
Applications for new CHLs are filled out online. The applicant must also schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted and photographed in person. During the online process, you will be prompted to schedule an appointment and pay the fee of $115.00.
Applicants will be prompted to upload the following supporting documents during the online process:
• Government issued photo ID (most common is driver's license)
• Proof of handgun safety training
• Proof of residency in Umatilla County (if using your driver's license, your new address does not have to show on the license, you can submit it to the DMV database online)
• Proof of citizenship (most common is passport, birth certificate or N300 form)
NEW - Out-of-State Applicants APPLICATION
We are currently accepting CHL applications from out-of-state applicants living in bordering states. The application is filled out online and the applicant must also schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted and photographed in person. During the online process you will be prompted to schedule an appointment and pay the fee of $115.00. If you are applying as a out-of-state applicant, you must also fill out a Residency Waiver Request Form. By submitting this form, you understand issuance of a CHL to a non-resident applicant is at the discretion of the Sheriff. You must demonstrate a compelling business interest or other legitimate demonstrated need that is specific to Umatilla County. The Sheriff is under no obligation to grant a residency waiver request and reserves the right to deny the request to any out-of-state applicant.
Applicants will be prompted to upload the following supporting documents during the online process:
• Government issued photo ID (most common is driver's license)
• Proof of handgun safety training
• Proof of residency in Umatilla County (if using your driver's license, your new address does not have to show on the license, you can submit it to the DMV database online)
• Proof of citizenship (most common is passport, birth certificate or N300 form)
• Residency Waiver Request form
RENEWAL (current and expired) APPLICATION
Applications to renew a current or expired CHL issued by Umatilla County Sheriff's Office are filled out online and the applicant must also schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted and photographed in person. During the online process you will be prompted to schedule an appointment and pay the fee of $75.00. If your CHL was issued by another Oregon County, see RENEWAL and TRANSFER below.
Applicants will be prompted to upload the following supporting documents during the online process:
• Government issued photo ID (most common is driver's license)
• Current or Expired CHL issued by Umatilla County
• Proof of residency in Umatilla County (if using your driver's license, your new address does not have to show on the license, you can submit it to the DMV database online)
• Proof of citizenship (most common is passport, birth certificate or N300 form)
RENEWAL - Out-of-State Applicants APPLICATION
Applications to renew a current or expired CHL issued by Umatilla County Sheriff's Office to out-of-state applicants are filled out online and the applicant must also schedule an appointment to be fingerprinting and photographed in person. During the online process you will be prompted to schedule an appointment and pay the fee of $75.00. If your CHL was issued in another Oregon County, see RENEWAL and TRANSFER below.
Applicants will be prompted to upload the following supporting documents during the online process:
• Government issued photo ID (most common is driver's license)
• Current or Expired CHL issued by Umatilla County
• Proof of residency in Umatilla County (if using your driver's license, your new address does not have to show on the license, you can submit it to the DMV database online)
• Proof of citizenship (most common is passport, birth certificate or N300 form)
• Residency Waiver Request form
Use if you have a CURRENT Oregon concealed handgun license issued by another Oregon County and you have recently moved to Umatilla County. This can also be used if have a current CHL issued by another Oregon County and you moved to a bordering state and want to transfer your CHL to Umatilla County. Change your address with DMV first. Transfer applications are filled out online and the applicant must also schedule an appointment to be photographed in person. If your CHL has expired (or is about to expire) in another Oregon County, see RENEWAL and TRANSFER below. During the online process, you will be prompted to schedule an appointment and pay the fee of $15.00. Upon issuance, your CHL will retain the same expiration date.
Applicants will be prompted to upload following supporting documents during the online process:
• Government issued photo ID (most common is driver's license)
• Copy of CURRENT CHL issued by another Oregon County
• Proof of residency in Umatilla County (if using your driver's license, your new address does not have to show on the license, you can submit it to the DMV database online)
• Proof of citizenship (most common is passport, birth certificate or N300 form)
• Residency Waiver Request form (if you live out of state)
If you have recently moved to Umatilla County (or a bordering state), have an almost expired (or expired) CHL issued in another Oregon county, and need to transfer to Umatilla County Sheriff's Office; you can both renew and transfer at the same time using the our online application process. However, because you are transferring, you MUST also schedule an appointment to be photographed in person. The total fee is $75.00. Your new CHL will have a new expiration date.
Applicants will be prompted to upload following supporting documents during the online process:
• Government issued Photo ID (most common is driver's license)
• Copy of Current or Expired CHL issued by another Oregon County
• Proof of residency in Umatilla County (if using your driver's license, your new address does not have to show on the license, you can submit it to the DMV database online)
• Proof of citizenship (most common is passport or birth certificate)
• Residency Waiver Request form (if you live out of state)
If you are a current Umatilla County Sheriff's Office CHL card-holder and have moved within Umatilla County, you can notify us of an address change online. Please change your DMV information first. The fee for address change is $15.
If you have a valid CHL issued out of Umatilla County and you..
- Moved within or to a bordering state, you can notify us of an address change online. Please change your DMV information first. The fee for address change is $15. You must also include a Residency Waiver Request Form.
If you have a valid CHL issued out of Umatilla County and you...
- Moved to another county in Oregon, contact the Sheriff's Office in that County to inquire about their procedures for an address change (TRANSFER). DO NOT use our online process.
If you have a valid CHL issued out of Umatilla County and you...
- Moved to another State that does not border Oregon, Oregon law does not allow for issuance of a CHL and your concealed handgun license may no longer be valid.
The fee to have your name changed on your CHL is $15. Please change your DMV information first. Fill out the Change of Name form online and upload supporting supporting documents. If you also need to renew, do not use Name Change, instead renew and enter your old name as an alias.
Applicants will be prompted to upload the following supporting documents during the online process:
• Government issued Photo ID (most common is driver's license) with your new name
• Copy of Current CHL issued by Umatilla County
• Any documentation of official name change
If you also need to renew, do not use Name Change, instead renew and enter your old name as an alias.
The fee to replace a lost or stolen CHL card is $15. You can request a duplicate CHL throught our online application process. This DOES NOT apply to EXPIRED or REVOKED CHLs. If you do not have any photo ID available to upload (for example because your entire wallet was stolen) go ahead and fill out the application online without uploading identification and we will contact you if we need further information.
If you are applying as an out-of-state applicant, a Residency Waiver Request Form MUST be filled out AND attached to your application EVERY time you apply, renew or transfer. A previously issued CHL does not guarantee a renewal. Umatilla County Sheriff’s Office requirements have changed. This form will be used to see if you will be considered for a waiver.
Before an application for a concealed handgun license can be accepted, you must show completion of a training course in which handgun safety was a component of the course. You may meet this requirement by providing any one of the following:
- A certificate of completion of any handgun safety course utilizing instructors certified by the National Rifle Association or a law enforcement agency.
- Documentation of completion of handgun safety training offered for security guards, investigators, reserve law enforcement officers or any other law enforcement officers.
- Documentation of completion of a hunter education course involving handgun safety approved by the State Department of Fish and Wildlife or similar agency of another state.
- Documented evidence of experience with handguns through participation in organized shooting competition or military service.
A Concealed Handgun License Handgun Safety Class is available online through Oregon State Sheriff’s Association by clicking on the following link: http://oregonchl.org/. This class has been created and reviewed by members of the Oregon Law Enforcement and Concealed Handgun License community. The class meets the statutory requirement for the Concealed Handgun License defined in ORS 166.291 (C). The class is available to all persons as an education tool free of charge. For those interested in providing proof of handgun safety training to apply for the Oregon Concealed Handgun License, the course provides a printable certificate for a $55.00 fee.
To qualify for a Oregon Concealed Handgun License you must:
- Be at least 21 years of age
- Be a resident of Umatilla County (this may be waived for residents of bordering states with a compelling business interest or legitimate demonstrated need)
- Be a US Citizen or have proof of application with intent to become a citizen
- Have never been convicted of a felony
- Have not been convicted of a misdemeanor within the last four years
- Not be a registered sex offender
- Not be free on any form of pre-trial release
- Have no outstanding warrant for arrest
- Not be subject to a stalking order or restraining order as defined in ORS
- Not have been convicted of a drug offense (although exceptions apply)
- Provide acceptable documentation of handgun safety training
- Pass a background investigation including mental health inquiry
- Pay appropriate fees and provide acceptable I.D. and other documentation
Additionally, Oregon State Law states a sheriff may deny a concealed handgun license if the sheriff has reasonable grounds to believe that the applicant has been or is reasonably likely to be a danger to self or others, or to the community at large, as a result of the applicant’s mental or psychological state or as demonstrated by the applicant’s past pattern of behavior involving unlawful violence or threats of unlawful violence. Also, any act or condition that would prevent the issuance of a concealed handgun license is cause for revoking a concealed handgun license.
Federal Law 18 U.S.C δ 922(g) in brief, prohibits possession of any firearm or ammunition by anyone who:
- Has been convicted of a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term exceeding one year
- Has been discharged from the Armed Forces under dishonorable conditions
- Is subject to a court order restraining the person from harassing, stalking or threatening an intimate partner or child of an intimate partner
- Has been convicted in any court of a misdemeanor crime of domestic violence
Oregon law provides a few limits on where a person with an Oregon Concealed Handgun License (CHL) can carry a firearm, and federal law contains a few more prohibitions. Be aware that even if you have an Oregon Concealed Handgun License, you cannot carry a firearm on any of the following properties in Oregon:
- Federal Facilities: The term “Federal Facility” means a building or part thereof owned or leased by the Federal Government, where Federal employees are regularly present for the purpose of performing their official duties. Examples include: federal courthouses, social security offices, federal post offices, recruiting offices, in secured areas of airports and on airplanes. 18 U.S. Code § 930
- Airports: Past security checkpoint in airports. For questions regarding firearms in luggage, contact the Transportation Security Administration (TSA) or the airline you are traveling with.
- State Capitol Building
- Public Schools - signs posted prohibiting all firearms
- National Forest marked or posted by signs prohibiting all firearms
- Tribal Reservations or Tribal Property: The Tribal Council overseas the regulations on reservations. Firearm restrictions may vary greatly from reservation to reservation. Often you may not carry a firearm concealed without written permission by the Tribal Council. This also applies to casinos operated by tribes. For Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, contact the Tribal Police for more information at 541-278-0550.
- Court Facilities: You may not carry in a court facility, which is defined as any building occupied by a circuit court, the Court of Appeals, the Supreme Court or the Oregon Tax Court. This applies to the entire facility, not just areas adjacent to the courtrooms, including any area that may temporarily be set up as a court.
You may be barred from entering a “local court facility” if the judge entered an order prohibiting firearms. A local court facility means the portion of a building in which a justice court, a municipal court, a probate court or a juvenile court conducts business. Intentional violation of this law is a Class C Felony. ORS 166.360 and ORS 166.370(s)(a) (the link applies to both ORS provided)
Designated Wilderness Areas by specific declaration or order has enacted a restriction or prohibtion of firearms. Persons with a valid Oregon concealed handgun license may carry their weapon onto National Forest Service or Bureau of Land Management land UNLESS there is marked or posted signs prohibiting all firearms in accordance with a specific order. It is the CHL holder’s responsibility to check on restrictions where you plan to visit. Restrictions are generally put into effect during festivals or large gatherings, or at popular recreation areas where there are safety concerns. Be aware that any Ranger Station or Visitors Center in any National Forest could be considered a Federal Building, making it illegal to carry there.
- Private property, business or facility where the owner prohibits firearm possession: Just as a person can prohibit you from possession of a firearm in their home, they can also prohibit firearms from their privately owned business. Some examples include: bars, nightclubs, stores, restaurants and movie theatres. If you are told to leave, you must do so, even if you have a CHL. If you remove your firearm and they still want you to leave, you must do so. If you don’t leave, you may be subject to arrest for Trespass.
- Umatilla County Jail: No person may bring a firearm, weapon or other contraband into the secure perimeter of the jail. Knowingly introducing contraband into a correctional facility is a Class C Felony.
Frequently Asked Questions
- Step 1 Make sure that you meet the handgun competency requirements (see Handgun Safety Training section above). If you do not have documentation of training that meets the listed requirements, then you must complete training prior to applying.
- Step 2 Review the Applications Section above for details regarding required documentation, I.D. and fees. and gather all your supporting documents.
- Step 3 Apply online using the correction application, the online application process will prompt you to schedule an appointment to be fingerprinted and photographed.
- Step 4 Show up in person to your scheduled appointment to be fingerprinted and photographed.
- If you are unable to apply online, please call our office at 541-966-3680, leave a message, and we would be happy to call you back and discuss options.
$115 is the fee to apply for a new CHL. See the Applications Section above for detailed of other fees (such as renewal) and procedures.
Review the Handgun Safety Training section above to see the type of training that meets State Law requirements, and then look for an instructor that matches the requirements. There is also a link for an online class provided. If you are wanting to attend in person training, instructors often advertise in newspapers, with local gun dealers, and with gun clubs etc. Some community colleges also offer classes.
Yes, we are currently accepting applications from applicants that live in states that border Oregon. Oregon Law states that the sheriff may waive the residency requirements for a resident of a contiguous state (bordering state) that has a compelling business interest or other legitimate demonstrated need. As an out of state applicant you must attach a Residency Waiver Request Form to your CHL application. Please read this form carefully before deciding whether you want to apply as an out of state resident. See Applications section above for New, Renewing and Out of State Applicants.
We are located at the main sheriff's office in Pendleton.The address is 4700 NW Pioneer Place, Pendleton, Oregon 97801.
We schedule appointments for Concealed Handgun License applications on Monday through Friday from 9am to 4:30pm. Although we do not currently schedule any appointments on Wednesday.
Upon approval, your CHL will be mailed to you within approximately 45 days.
Your concealed handgun license is valid for four years from date of issue (the date we approve and print it out). However, an arrest or involvement in criminal activity may be a cause for revocation.
Although issued by Umatilla County Sheriff's office, it is an Oregon Concealed Handgun License and is good for the entire State of Oregon.
Yes. You are required to complete a change of address form if you moved within our county. If you moved to another County in Oregon, contact that county to complete an address change. See Address Change under the Applications section on this website for more details.
Oregon Revised Statutes regarding Concealed Handgun License start at ORS 166.291 and are available online.
See the section above labeled Places Concealed Handgun license Holders May Not Carry a Firearm.
Review the Transfer instructions in the Application section above.
Please arrive NO more than 10 minutes prior to your appointment time.
No. The renewal process is the same whether or not your license has expired. If your license has been expired for less than five years and you no longer have the expired card, call our office. We may be able to search records and if we still have documentation that you previously had a CHL you can apply as a renewal.
No, if you provide adequate documentation of training, the time frame does not matter.
No, it is the responsibility of the individual license holder to be aware of the expiration date of their license. But don't worry if you missed it, the renewal process for an expired license is the same as a current license.
There are no restrictions on how early you can renew your license. However, a concealed handgun license is valid for four years from the date the license is issued, so the next four years will start from the date we issue the renewal.
Yes. First you must submit an online application and schedule an appointment, next you appear at your appointment date and time to be photographed. See the Applications Section above for more details.
See the Eligibility Requirements section above.
Notices of denial or revocation are sent by certified mail or are personally delivered.
Contact Information
Concealed Handgun Licensing (CHL)
Umatilla County Sheriff's Office
4700 NW Pioneer Place
Pendleton, OR 97801
Open Mon-Fri 8am - 5pm
excluding holidays
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We have FREE firearm locks available at our office.